Naruto Shippuden, a global anime sensation, is set to join forces with Crocs for an exclusive collaboration. The upcoming Naruto x Crocs collection brings to life two iconic characters from the Japanese comic: Naruto and Kakashi.
The Crocs Classic Clogs, drawing inspiration from Naruto, sport a vibrant orange hue. Notably, they showcase the Hidden Leaf headband at the front. Adorned with Jibbitz accessories, these clogs boast added comfort with padding around the adjustable heel.
Kakashi’s shoes, on the other hand, feature olive green clogs inspired by the ninja’s jounin uniform. The accompanying Jibbitz pay homage to his time in ANBU and his favorite book. The collection creatively captures the essence of these beloved characters in a fashionable and functional footwear line.
Anticipated to hit the shelves in 2024, the Naruto x Crocs Collection will be available on and various retailers, both in-store and online. The price tag is set at a reasonable $50 USD, making this collaboration accessible to fans worldwide.
In conclusion, the Naruto x Crocs collection offers a unique blend of style and comfort, bringing the beloved anime characters to life in a trendy footwear collection. Fans can eagerly await the release in 2024 to get their hands on these exclusive and affordable pieces that reflect the essence of Naruto and Kakashi.
Color: Orange/Black-Metallic Silver
Style Code: 209460-014
Release Date: 2024
Price: TBA
Color: Green/Navy-Metallic Silver
Style Code: 209445-410
Release Date: 2024
Price: TBA
UPDATE 1/25/24: Grab a look at the official photos of both colorways below.
Photos: lil__mosh